Friday, August 15, 2014

Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Review.

I decided to do a review of the current household cleaning products I'm using now. I've been using Mrs. Meyers Clean Day products. The products have extremely cute & vintage like labels. And wonderful aromatic smells, while there are a few scents I'm not too fond of, they are better than most other cleaning products I've used. And I got them off of this awesome app called Boxed Wholesale, check them out  they have an awesome selection of bulk products for great prices. And who doesn't love saving a trip to the store?! Use code OAJU2 for a free $10, enter it at check out! (

Mrs. Meyers Geranium Scent Dish Soap: I'm not entirely sure if it's the soap itself or the scent that is the culprit of this product but it seems like no matter how much I rinse dishes or how little soap I use the dishes come out with the taste of soap/Geranium. It's not pleasant. I wasn't fond of the smell to begin with but it's grown on me. But the fact that I can't seem to get the soap residue or smell off the dishes is concerning. I have noticed if I wash, rinse then soak in hot water and rinse again the smell & soap are very sparse. 

Mrs. Meyers Basil Scent All-Purpose Cleaner: I LOVE THIS SCENT! I really do. It's a very clean smell. I use this for everything, washing floors, shoes, wiping tables, bathroom cleaning, etc. There aren't too many places I haven't cleaned with this. I haven't found the residue issue with this product. It doesn't make the floors sticky like most floor cleaner. It also cuts through the grease that can be left on the stove after dinner. 

Mrs. Meyers Lavender Scent Landry Soap: Anyone who knows me knows I love Lavender. I will clean my whole house with it if I can find cleaners in the scent. Lol. But this laundry soap is wonderful & you honestly only need a small amount. I believe the bottle states you get 64 loads out of a bottle, that's incorrect. If you use it how their directions say, yes you will probably only get 64 loads. But then you'd be using way too much soap. How to tell? Wash your clothes with the recommended amount. Then wash again without soap. If the water has suds you're using too much soap! I only use a quarter of a cap, maybe less depending on what I'm washing. Bonus: The lavender scent is not over powering either!!

Mrs. Meyers Honeysuckle Scent Countertop Spray: I have a love hate relationship with this product. I love the scent - in small doses. I love how clean it gets my counters & stove. I even use this on my cupboards & drawers. What I hate? It's extremely soapy if you don't water it down. I used most of this product without watering down & while it cleaned my counters it also left a soapy sticky feeling (until half the bottle was gone and I thought to add water). Once water was added it didn't leave as much of a sticky feeling & was a lot less soapy. I recommend using paper towel with this product though. 

Mrs. Meyer Bluebell Scent Hand Soap: I'm not sure how I feel about this scent. It's not a bad scent, just, not what I was expecting. The soap itself doesn't leave my hands dry like most hand soap. The scent isn't overpowering but it also isn't so light that you can't smell it after you have washed and dried your hands. 

Overall, I would recommend Mrs. Meyers brand products, you'll have to try the scents for yourself as everyone is different. I will be snagging some new scents of this in a couple of months. I'll do a review of the new scents then. 

Happy Cleaning. :)

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